What is a call to action?

By Jules Mackley 30th May 2022
SimpleClick quick resource, graphic of man with mobile phone
A Call To Action (CTA) is a design element on your website that prompts a response from the user to encourage a specific action.

Usually, it is a written command or button with text such as ‘“Buy Now”, “Find Out More” or “Call Today”. Without a CTA, you are not pushing your customers to the next step or the buying process.

A CTA can be used to build your newsletter subscribers, increase your social following or keep potential customers on your website. Written well it will make your visitors feel inspired to do it.

Where would you find a CTA?

A good CTA should be located in a prominent position, with space around it. You need to consider what is the objective of your post or webpage. What action do you want the user to take?

A ‘buy now’ CTA would work best at the top of the page however if you want a person to read your blog and then take action it should be at the bottom of the page. The objective of a good CTA is to encourage someone to continue interacting on your website until they have completed the action you wanted them to.

Will it be seen?

A CTA can be a button, banner or graphic meant for the user to click. High visibility is key, the easier it is to catch the user’s eye the better. The use of colours, animation effects and shadows can all help to draw the user’s eye to it. It’s important to keep the page well organised, avoid clutter and be consistent.

How many CTA's should I have?

It’s good practice to have one CTA per page on your website. The reason for this is that a user may have found you through a Google search or from a social media post and potentially will only visit that one page they have landed on. Your CTA is your opportunity to engage with them and encourage them to take action.

Measure and improve

CTA’s are an essential part of inbound marketing. Only when your CTA has been clicked on and action is taken can it be converted to a lead. Look at how many people who see your CTA have clicked on it. How many people have signed up for your newsletter?

Need help to see if your website CTA's could be improved?

Call us today on 01473 655669 or email [email protected].