Choose your web agency wisely!

By Richard Jennis 24th November 2021
Graphic of a computer monitor, balloons and present
I read a rather sobering set of facts last week. 20% of businesses fail within their first year. Half will fail within 5 years, and only 33% survive to see their 10th birthday.

With that ringing in my ears, I am extremely grateful and proud that SimpleClick is celebrating its 13th birthday this week.

Happy birthday to us!

For me this is a rather reflective moment of the year. Thinking back to what the SimpleClick team, in its many guises, has accomplished is a bit of a time-consuming black hole. What do I mean by many guises? SimpleClick is very much the sum of its parts, and those parts are its team members. I have been fortunate to employ outstanding individuals, some have stayed and are still here, others have used SimpleClick as a springboard to pastures new. Whatever their journey with SimpleClick entailed, each and every one played their part in forming what SimpleClick is today.

Every day I am impressed with what the team does, but every November I have reason to ponder and say thank you to past and present SimpleClickers who have left their mark in the DNA of both SimpleClick and Doddle.

The team is a huge part of the success but this is only possible because we have great customers who are more than happy to ask us to do what we do.

Many of our clients have been on our books for years, several for over 10, which is a fantastic testament to what we do and how we conduct ourselves. People often point out that we aren’t brash or flamboyant when it comes to talking about our successes, but that’s just how we are. We are very much a “heads down and get stuff done” type of business. This focus has served us, and our clients, very well.

On a personal note, I also have a fantastic support network behind me, advisors, peers, and of course my family. The value of the behind-the-scenes support that brings cannot be quantified and, frankly for me, a necessity.

All-in-all this is a great mix that simply works. That is what I am celebrating on SimpleClick’s 13th birthday.

What do the teenage years have in store for us?

Who knows but bring it on is what I say.